Alfabank- Bears
With Alfa Bank Belarus we made a cute little seasonal mascot the star of advertising campaigns all year long. Initially, Alfa Bank released a red teddy bear for special events which are perfect opportunities to gift teddy bears. Together with the Alfa team, we developed an advertisement concept and created a digital version of this mascot. The success of one project inspired Alfa-Bank to keep the mascot going.

During this amazing year, our teddy bears made a memorable appearance at the biggest music festival in Belarus, brought the Christmas tree to life, emerged from tangerines, and filled everyone's hearts with joy, while we ensured that everything was flawlessly executed.
Widepix team:
Art director: Ilya Kastenka
3D artists: Ilya Kastenka, Michail Pankevich
Producer: Liza Shimanchik
Alfa Bank Belarus